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Klara and the Sun – A Juxtaposition of Humans with Artificial Friends Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

I finished this book some months ago. At that time, I was amused at how such a book that can be easily read by children, can hide so many references and messages behind its simplicity. As always, I kept notes while reading, but it took me a while to get back to them, and be […]

Sputnik Sweetheart – A Book About Self-Discovery and Loneliness SPUTNIK Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami

“A story is not something of this world. A real story requires a kind of magical baptism to link the world in this side with the world on the other side.”  Linking two sides, while allowing them to keep their essence: this is the major theme of Sputnik, another beautiful book by Murakami. Out of […]